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19 Nov

WDIO Leadership Visits Ghor Province to Review Progress and Strengthen Partnerships

The leadership team of Watan Development & Initiative Organization (WDIO) recently visited Ghor Province to review the progress of ongoing projects and explore ways to enhance their impact. During the […]


28 Oct

Education is the key to all the locked doors of the unknown

Education is the path to unlock their true potential, enabling them to grow and flourish in various aspects of their lives. This is started with Early Childhood Development which makes […]


28 Oct

Learn today and have a bright future

WDIO is committed to promote children diligently through quality learning opportunities. These opportunities equip individuals with the essential knowledge and skills they need to thrive and succeed in today’s ever-changing […]


15 Oct

Singing the contract to implement the After School learning Centers BRAC.

Singing the contract to implement the After School learning Centers BRAC the program will provide capacity building in 38 learning centers covering 1800 students امضاء قرارداد تطبیق پروژه تعلیمات بعد از مکتب میان مؤسسه ابتکار و انکشاف وطن و مؤسسه جهانی برک BRAC ! این قرارداد به طور مشخص در چهار ولایت افغانستان ( مزار، سمنگان، پروان و کابل) زمینه تعلیمات بعد از مکتب را فراهم خواهد کرد، این برنامه برای هژده صد دانش آموز ایجاد شده است و در ۳۸ مرکز تعلیمی قابل اجرا خواهد بود.


3 Sep

The leadership of Watan Development & Initiative Organization visited the “GPE” project classes in Sarobi district, Kabul.

During this visit, Mr. Haroon Mohammadzai, the Executive Director of Watan Development & Initiative Organization, monitored the situation and implementation of educational projects in this district and suggested effective procedures […]


25 Aug

Board Meeting of the Watan Development & Initiative Organization

The Board of Directors of the Watan Development & Initiative Organization convened for an important meeting recently.During this session, Mr. Haroon Mohammadi, the Executive Director of the Organization, presented a […]


25 Aug

د وطن پرمختیا او نوښت موسسې مشرتابه انجنر ذاکرالله وزیري په مشری د قرباغ ولسوالی څخه لیدنه وکړه

دا چې په کې ادارې مرستیال همدرد ساپی ، دانجنيرۍ څانګې انجينر صاحبانو هر یو دانجنری څانګې مشر واجدالله یار ، انجينر شاهیدالله نیازی ، د څارونکې څانګې مرستیال عبدالحميد […]


25 Aug

د وطن پرمختیا او نوښت موسسې پلاوي د سروبي ولسوالۍ څخه لیدنه وکړه

د وطن پرمختیا او نوښت موسسې اداري پلاوي په مشرۍ چې پکې د یادې ادارې مرستیال همدرد ساپې ، دانجنيرۍ څانګې انجينر صاحبانو هر یو د انجينری څانګې مشر انجنر […]


22 Aug

نشست هماهنگی میان ریاست معارف ولایت کابل و مؤسسه ابتکار و انکشاف وطن در دفتر مرکزی برگزار شد

هدف این نشست بهبود تطبیق برنامه‌ ها و ایجاد هماهنگی کامل میان مؤسسه ابتکار و انکشاف وطن و ریاست معارف ولایت کابل بود. در این نشست که در دفتر مرکزی […]


13 Aug

سفر تیم رهبری مؤسسه ابتکار و انکشاف وطن برای نظارت از صنف ها در ولایت بامیان

هارون محمدزی رییس مؤسسه ابتکار و انکشاف وطن در سفری رسمی که با تیم همراهشان به ولایت بامیان داشتند، از صنوف محلی ولایت بامیان و دفتر ولایتی مؤسسه ابتکار و […]